我們是誰 An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal,
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas,
世界如何運作 An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between
我們如何組織自己 An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems
共享地球 resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. 探究努力與他人及其他生物分享有限資源時的權利和責任;群體/社區 以及他們內部及之間的關係;機會均等;和平與解決衝突。 |
Subject focus: Science, PSPE, Language 主要科目: Central Idea: We can use our body and senses to discover and learn about the world around us 思想: An inquiry into: • Our body and the five senses • How our senses provide us with information • Exploring the world with our body and senses 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Function, Connection 概念: Learner Profile: Inquirer, Risk-taker, Balanced 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Arts, PSPE, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: We can enjoy and experience different forms of art 思想: An inquiry into: • The different forms of the arts • The process of creating art • How we can express ourselves through the arts • Responding to the arts 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Change, Function, Perspective 概念: Learner Profile: Open-minded, Communicators, Reflective 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: PSPE, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: People use different types of transportation systems to move from one place to another 思想: An inquiry into: • The types and features of transportation • How we choose which transportation system to use • Our role in travelling safely 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Connection, Responsibility 概念: Learner Profile: Principled, Knowledgeable, Thinker 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Science, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: All living things share the planet 思想: An inquiry into: • Living things around us • Sharing our environment with living things • Caring for other living things 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Connection, Responsibility 概念: Learner Profile: Caring, Principled, Knowledgeable 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: PSPE, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: Building and nurturing relationships helps to enrich our lives 思想: An inquiry into: • Interactions between people • Different behaviors within relationships • The impact of relationships on wellbeing 探究線索: Concepts: Connection, Perspective, Causation 概念: Learner Profile: Caring, Communicator, Open-minded 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Arts, Social Studies, Science 主要科目: Central Idea: Cultures can be expressed in different ways 思想: An inquiry into: • The features of cultural art • The relationship between elements and cultures • How art can be interpreted differently 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Connection, Perspective 概念: Learner Profile: Risk-taker, Inquirer, Balanced 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Social Studies, Arts, Maths 主要科目: Central Idea: Signs and symbols convey meaning in communities 思想: An inquiry into: • Different kinds of signs and symbols • Meanings of signs and symbols • Reasons for signs and symbols 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Connection, Function 概念: Learner Profile: Principled, Communicator, Inquirer 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Science, PSPE, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: Water is essential to life and comes in many forms 思想: An inquiry into: • Why we need water • Sources of water and how water changes • The responsibilities regarding water 探究線索: Concepts: Causation, Change, Responsibility 概念: Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Reflective 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: PSPE, Language 主要科目: Central Idea: People come from diverse backgrounds 思想: An inquiry into: • Where people come from • Commonalities between people • Our responsibilities toward each other 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Connection, Responsibility, 概念: Learner Profile: Inquirer, Communicator, Caring 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Social Studies, Science 主要科目: Central Idea: Cities can change and develop 思想: An inquiry into: • Features of cities • How cities have changed • Why cities change 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Change, Causation 概念: Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Thinker 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Social Studies, Arts 主要科目: Central Idea: People recognize different important events and festivals in their lives 思想: An inquiry into: • Why people celebrate • How people celebrate • How the arts can be used in celebrations 探究線索: Concepts: Causation, function, perspective 概念: Learner Profile: Risk-taker, open-minded 學習者目標: (Year Long Unit) |
Subject focus: Maths, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: Currency is used in daily life 思想: An inquiry into: • Types of currency • How currency works • The value of currency 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Function, Connection 概念: Learner Profile: Reflective, Principled, Balanced 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: PSPE, Science, 主要科目: Central Idea: Consequences can help us reflect on our actions 思想: An inquiry into: • Actions and their consequences • Reflecting on actions • Taking responsibility for our actions 探究線索: Concepts: Connections, Causations, responsibility 概念: Learner Profile: Reflective, Caring, Balanced 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Arts, Language, 主要科目: Central Idea: Stories can express ideas and inspire imagination 思想: An inquiry into: • Different types of literature • How stories are created and shared • Feelings and emotions that stories evoke 探究線索: Concepts: Function, Causation, Perspective 概念: Learner Profile: Risk-taker, communicator, open-minded 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Science, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: Technology can have an influence on society 思想: An inquiry into: • Technology around us • How technology has influenced society • Human needs that advance technology 探究線索: Concepts: Form, Change, Connection 概念: Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator 學習者目標: |
Subject focus: Science, Math, Social Studies 主要科目: Central Idea: Human-made systems meet the needs of people 思想: An inquiry into: • Human-made systems around us • How systems work effectively • How systems support the needs of people 探究線索: Concepts: Form Function, Connection 概念: Learner Profile: Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Principled 學習者目標: |