Playgroup Admission Guidelines

PIPS (KLN) Playgroup Programme
PIPS (KLN) Playgroup Programme was founded in 2007 based on the following principle:

“We respect the child’s curiosity and love of discovery. Therefore, at PIPS we believe in providing a caring, stimulating, stress-free and safe environment that encourages children of all nationalities to achieve their full potential.”

PIPS is committed to developing a holistic approach to stimulate inquiring, independent, knowledgeable and creative thinkers, with a life-long love of learning.

Children between 1 and 2 years old are eligible to enroll in the Playgroup. As in all playgroup situations, an adult will need to accompany each child to the class.

There are up to 12 students in each class. Our Playgroup Programme offers a child-centred environment, designed to encourage children to learn independently through a wide range of activities, such as arts and crafts, music, outdoor play, creative play and story time. A Putonghua and Music teacher also lead circle times during the week for the 2 hours programme.

To enhance the Playgroup experience for children, we operate the programme on a monthly basis and accept applications in the middle of the term. For the schedule, tuition fees and course timetable, please refer to the information below.

Playgroup ~ Time Sessions and Tuition Fees
We offer 1 ½ hours programme for children form 12 months to 18 months and 2 hours programme for children from 18 months to 24 months, morning or afternoon sessions.

You may choose to enroll your child for one of the following programmes:

Programme / Age Day Time Schedule Monthly Tuition
2 hrs Programme
(Recommended for 18 months to 2 years old)
Morning Session Afternoon Session
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:45 – 10:45 am 2:00 – 4:00 pm HK$3,820
1 ½ hrs Programme
(Recommended for 12 to 18 months)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00 am - 12:30 pm ---- HK$2,835
Tuesday & Thursday 8:45 – 10:15 am ---- HK$1,908
10:30 am – 12:00 pm ----
---- 2:00 – 3:30 pm
***School fees may be adjusted each school year, subject to EDB approval. ***

Transfer to Pre-Nursery:
  • Children may enter the Pre-Nursery as and when they become 2 years old, if there is a place available, and if you have completed an application form for the Pre-Nursery. The last month for children to move from Playgroup to Pre-Nursery is April.
  • If a child’s birthday falls in the middle of the month of entry into the Pre-Nursery (e.g. 9th February), they will not be able to start in the Pre-Nursery until their actual birthday. This is an EDB regulation. A child starting mid-month in the Pre-Nursery will not be able to stay in the Playgroup until their birthday unless Playgroup and Pre-Nursery fees are both paid for that month.
  • Please note that children who turn 2 after 31st December and then go to the Pre-Nursery will have to repeat the Pre-Nursery year, again an EDB requirement.

Playgroup Timetables

Important Notes

Application Procedure:
  • *Priority for Admission is given to:
    • Applicants who have purchased a refundable $5,000 Playgroup Levy. This will be refunded when the child leaves the playgroup.
    • Siblings of current students.
  • We accept applicants who are 12 months old in the middle of the term subject to availability.
  • Applications for future enrollment due to unavailability of places or other reasons will be placed on the waiting list. When a place becomes available, the school will contact the parents.
  • Places will only be confirmed after payment of the tuition fee has been made.
  • In case there are more applicants than places available, the school reserves the right to allocate places based on order of submission, age and other considerations.
  • For Playgroup Classes: A refundable $5,000 Playgroup Levy is required at time of registration. All applications will be accepted on a first come-first served basis.
Tuitions Fees:
  • Monthly installment school fees are collected by either autopay or wire/online transfer.
  • Tuition fees have to be paid one month in advance. Once the enrollment is confirmed, fees will not be refunded.
  • Tuition fee is to be paid by the 1st of each month. A 10 % surcharge per month will be levied for any debt outstanding until the student’s account is clear.
  • PIPS reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of a student if parents fail to settle any fee charges for their child / children.
  • **In the event of an “ENFORCED” school closure due to health alerts, PAYMENT collection remains UNCHANGED.**

Payment Method
Please arrange the payment to the following account:
Hong Kong Office Commercial Service Centre
Basement 1, HSBC Main Building,
1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

SWIFT code:
Account Name:
Park View International Kindergarten Ltd T/A PIPS(KLN)

Account Number:
808-313647-001 (Please add 004 at the beginning of the A/C no. if your bank is not HSBC)

Please Note:
  • Fees may apply for transfer between different banks. The remitter has to pay for any charges incurred by both the remitting bank and beneficiary bank.
  • Please provide the scanned transfer slip / screen capture of online transfer acknowledgment by uploading to the online application system.

  • PIPS gives priority to existing students to re-register for the next term. If no payment is received after the due date for paying tuition fees, the place will be allocated to other applicants without further notifying the parents.
Withdrawal Note:
For the withdrawal of a student *ONE FULL CALENDAR MONTH* advance notice in writing is required prior to the last date of a student's attendance. The parents are required to pay for their children's tuition fee up to the last month which the withdrawal notice serves. (One full calendar month means from the first day of a month to the last day of that month. If the last day of study is not the last or the first day of a month, then withdrawal notice will need to be served more than one month in advance.)

Immediate Withdrawal:
For immediate withdrawal one full month tuition fee is charged, even if only part of the month has been attended. One month's tuition fee will be deducted from the Playgroup Levy as payment in lieu of insufficient notice.

Redemption of Playgroup Levy
To redeem the Playgroup Levy, please return the original receipt of Playgroup Levy to the school together with the withdrawal notice. PIPS reserves the right to deduct any outstanding tuition fees or penalty for insufficient withdrawal notice from the Playgroup Levy refund.

Lead Time for Playgroup Levy Refund
Refund will take about one month, from the date of last school day and clearance of outstanding payment, whichever is the later.